Factory Sales Blogs



Map Products

Our website shows two different sets of products. One set is listed under the category "Manufacturer" and another set is under the categories "Reloading Equipment, Reloading Supplies, Shooting Gear, Gun Cleaning and Gunsmithing". The products are always imported to the category "Manufacturer" and then we use this mapping tool to add the products to the "Reloading Equipment, Reloading Supplies, Shooting Gear, Gun Cleaning and Gunsmithing" structure.

NOTE: After running this tool you must rebuild the category indexes and force cache generation using the following procedure in order to make the categories available to customers.

  1. Go to the Xcart admin contol panel.
  2. Click on the Tools tab
  3. Select Maintenance.
  4. Click on the "Rebuild category indexes" button. Wait for the rebuild process to complete.
  5. Click the "Force cache generation" button.

Assign products to categories

Use this tool to assign "featured" products below category descriptions. The products can be shown in a Product Table inside the category description or as thumbnails below the category description.

Update ALL category descriptions

Update the Product Tables inside ALL of the category descriptions. (Step 6), NOTE: This tool runs immediately upon clicking the link.

Modify Category Descriptions

Modify any category description.

This script will also allow you to link identical categories so changes can be made to the category once and all the identical categories will be changed. The identical categories will also list the same products.

Verify Category Descriptions

Verify the category descriptions and product descriptions are containing valid product names and valid links to the product pages.

Parts Categories

Cleanup the Part Categories and remove any duplicates. Move any parts that aren't in the original Parts Category if needed.

After running these scripts, click on the Xcart administration page. Click on the Tools tab, then select Maintenance. Click on the button "Force cache generation".


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