Factory Sales Blogs

Import Lee Precision

Import Lee Precision

Upload files

Upload fsproducts.txt, fsparts.txt, products.txt, parts.txt or weights.txt.

NOTE: This tool only uploads files. It will not make any changes to the existing X-Cart database. Current versions of these files must be uploaded in order for the Import Prices and Import Weights tools below to function properly. The Lee Precision data files, products.txt, parts.txt and weights.txt must be downloaded from The FS Reloading data files, fsproducts.txt and fsparts.txt must be created offline.

Download files

FS ReLoading price list. fsproducts.txt approximately 84K
FS Reloading bill of materials. fsparts.txt approximately 700K
Lee Precision price list. products.txt approximately 84K
Lee Precision bill of materials. parts.txt approximately 700K
Lee Precision Weights List. weights.txt approximately 84K


Explorer & Firefox users click the right mouse button on the file name.
MAC people can click on the file name and hold - then choose to download.


Import Lee Precision Prices

Import Lee Precision prices from products.txt and parts.txt files, insert new products into the Imported Products Category, insert new parts into the Imported Parts Category, and move products and parts not included the Lee Precision products.txt and parts.txt files from their current X-Cart categories to the Out of Stock Category.

Structure of Products.txt - product code, product name, product price

Structure of Parts.txt - product code, product name, [part code, part name, # required, price]

NOTE: After running this tool, you must run the Parts Category Structure link.

NOTE: This tool assumes products.txt and the related parts.txt files from Lee Precision have previously been uploaded using the "Upload files" tool above. This tool will change Lee Precision MSRP prices. To change product Retail prices, use either the "Import FS prices" or "Set FS Prices" tools below.

Import Lee Precision Jobber

Import Lee Precision product info from jobber.csv file, insert new products into the Imported Products Category, insert new parts into the Imported Parts Category, and move products and parts not included the Lee Precision products.txt and parts.txt files from their current X-Cart categories to the Out of Stock Category.

Structure of jobber.csv - product code, upc, product name, price, cost, costEDI, weight, master, masterCuFt, length, width, height

NOTE: After running this tool, you must run the Parts Category Structure link.

NOTE: This tool assumes ? jobber.csv? from Lee Precision have previously been uploaded using the "Upload files" tool above. This tool will change Lee Precision MSRP prices. To change product Retail prices, use either the "Import FS prices" or "Set FS Prices" tools below.

Parts Category Structure

This tool will mirror the Lee Precision category structure into the Lee Precision Parts categories. If products have been moved from "Imported Products categories" to their final category, this script will move the parts out of the Imported Parts category and into the  proper parts category. This must be done to activate the parts icons for new products on the various catalog and category pages. This tool runs immediately uplon clicking the link. No user input is rquired.

NOTE: After running this tool you must rebuild the category indexes and force cache generation using the following procedure in order to make the parts available to customers. 

  1. Go to the Xcart admin contol panel.
  2. Click on the Tools tab
  3. Select Maintenance.
  4. Click on the "Rebuild category indexes" button. Wait for the rebuild process to complete.
  5. Click the "Force cache generation" button.

Import FS prices

Import FS ReLoading prices (fsproducts.txt and fsparts.txt).

NOTE: This tool assumes fsproducts.txt and the related fsparts.txt have previously been uploaded using the "Upload files" tool above. This tool will change the FS Reloading Retail prices but not MSRP prices.

WARNING: This tool can make sweeping changes to the database. Only run this tool if you have previously uploaded new products.txt and parts.txt files and are sure you wish to syncronize the X-Cart database with these new data files.

To view the new prices on the website, complete the following steps:

  1. Update all of the product tables in the category descriptions (Step 6).
  2. Go to the Xcart admin contol panel.
  3. Click on the Tools tab
  4. Select Maintenance.
  5. Click the "Force cache generation" button.

Import Weights

Import Lee Precision weights for Lee Precision products.

NOTE: This tools assumes weights.txt has been previously uploaded using the "Upload files" tool above.


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